Social Media Policy for Illinois Public Risk Fund


The Illinois Public Risk Fund (“IPRF”) may use social media sites and platforms to enhance and build relationships with members, prospective members, corporations and affiliated associations (collectively as “interested entities”). IPRF has the ability to facilitate discussions and communicate information about member benefits, education, current events, loss control awareness and other public risk-management-related issues through various media channels. IPRF desires to identify a standard of conduct for its employees and members use of social media.

IPRF respects the rights of its interested entities to interact and communicate about industry-related matters using social networking sites. In order to protect IPRF from the posting of comments and information that may harm its reputation or its employees’ reputations, IPRF has developed this Policy and following guidelines for its interested parties’ use of Social Media.

For purposes of this Policy, “Social Media” shall include all means of communicating or posting information or content of any sort on the Internet or on any known social media site.

For purposes of this Policy, “Internet” shall include any web log or “blog,” journal or diary, personal website, social networking or affinity web site, web bulletin board or chat room whether or not associated or affiliated with IPRF, as well as any other form of electronic communication.

For the purpose of this Policy, Social Media sites shall include, but is not limited to, the following: Facebook, Linkedln, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest, Tumblr, Flickr, Reddit, What’s app, Shapchat, Snap Shot and YouTube. This Policy shall also include social media sites that may come into existence following the enactment of this Policy.

For purposes of this Policy, “engaging in social media” and “electronic dialogue” shall refer to posting, uploading or sharing content on these sites.


Users are expected to refrain from engaging in any social media communication that may disparage or harm the image or reputation of IPRF and/or any of its employees and/or members. Additionally, users may not engage in any conduct prohibited by the IPRF. Users assume any and all risks associated with engaging in social media.

User Guidelines

All IPRF employees and members engaging in social media and/or online electronic dialogue on one of IPRF’s social media sites shall comply with the following guidelines:

Before posting pictures to social media sites, obtain permission to post pictures of the individuals depicted in said pictures;

Do not post any defamatory, libelous, threatening, vulgar, sexually explicit, abusive, profane, obscene or anonymous content;

Do not take any action that would disrupt or interfere with the normal use of the social media site or platform;

Do not impersonate any other person; and

Abide by any special rules and regulations of any specific networking site where posts are being made.

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